More than 50 nations in 600 players between U6 (5-6 years) to Senior (18+), also Spanish Team of the Homeless World Cup
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01.11.2023 | — La presidenta de los Dragones de Lavapiés: "En cada equipo hay fácilmente ocho, nueve o diez nacionalidades diferentes" | n/a |
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Dragones de Lavapiés, donde fútbol es sinónimo de inclusión: (20minutos.es)
We are looking for a second sponsor to be able to face the federative quotas of the Cadet, Youth and Senior teams. Because many of our players cannot afford them (https://www.rffm.es/fichaclub/15337546?tipojuego=). Our teams are made up of players from all over the world, in the senior team there are more than 10 different nationalities with several refugee players.