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Lilly is 10years old and riding horses since she was 6. She is currently partnered with Leon pony who is 17years old and they match a great team together. They train since Nov 2020 and yet they bonded and winning all the national championships.


Lilly is 10 years old and she has been in love with horses since she was 2 years old. She started riding when she was 6 and now she is having her own horse in a lease back . His name is LEON and they ride together since November 2020. They bonded beautifully and now winning all the national championships. Lilly worked with LEON from ground a lot so that he could trust her and they create wonderful team. They jump 70cm obstacles and aiming for more. Lilly is very hard working - having trainings 5 times a week, exercising cross-fit, and also having a sport psychology who help her to focus more while being on competitions. Its a great passion and love and also respect for horses she has and she is very bold but yet calm and tempered which suits perfectly for a scary horse like LEON. Lilly is very outgoing and people love her. She would love to own a horse and be able to jump higher - she can also be great asset to a sponsor as camera loves her and she has a natural flow.

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